The Reality of Hari Blogger (earn

Hey, I hope you are having a good day. As you have read the title, we are going to talk about our favorite blogger and YouTuber who helps people learn about blogging through his YouTube channel and also shares his earning proof that he had earned from blogging.

Have I told you, his name? Oh, sorry, I have not, so his name is Hari Blogger, aka Harish Chandra. Harish is known as one of the best bloggers in India and he is from Uttar Pradesh.

He has a YouTube channel named Hari Blogger where he uploads his content related to blogging and money-earning techniques.

So enough of his biography, and let’s come to the main point and the problem.

What’s the Deal with Hari Blogger?

The problem is that my bro Hari blogger, the so-called one of the best bloggers in India, says something and does something. Maybe you have seen his YouTube channel, as he is pretty famous on YouTube with around 1.5 lakh subscribers.

In his channel, he teaches blogging and also shows the large amount of earnings that he has earned from blogging. But what’s the exact technique or method through which he earns that much money?

What Method is he Using?

So, the method is simple and quite easy. He is using social methods to drive traffic to his websites. In simple words, he is using his social media accounts to send traffic to his websites.

So, he is using social traffic, right, so what’s the big deal? It’s completely all right to use social traffic, and what’s my problem? Actually, the problem is that he is using some unethical methods in his blogs, and that is sending a wrong message to the new bloggers.

What unethical techniques is he using? Well, you will find out when you visit his website, earn When I visited his website, I found something like this:


There were many more options, like install now or download, with no context in the middle of the articles.

Which was quite confusing when I found it in the middle of my article out of nowhere, and when I clicked on the check now button, I got redirected to another website called This is his other website, and when scrolled down, I again found that SIM selection option.

When I clicked enter again, I got redirected to another website called, and as expected, I saw that option again, and out of curiosity, I clicked enter again just to get redirected to another website.

And this cycle continued, and I got redirected to various other websites again and again. I don’t know why he is using these useless options, maybe this SIM-selecting option is his trademark, indicating that this is Hari the blogger here.

In the end, I got redirected to a website that was not available anymore, or maybe it got banned for some reason.

Why is he using these?

When I looked at it on a serious note, I found out that he was promoting his other websites by interlinking them with each other without you knowing about it, like you can’t tell where this SIM selection option is heading. When you click on that enter button, you will be redirected to countless websites again and again, and that’s his earning source.

He had created many websites targeting high CPC niches and got them AdSense approved to generate high income. When you look at his blog content, it’s trash, like it is totally copy-paste AI content.

It’s kind of unethical and provides zero value to his blog readers, like he is just redirecting us from one site to another to earn money, and later he shows his earning proof that he had gained from so-called blogging.

Is this really blogging? or I or other new bloggers are doing something wrong?

What is Unethical Blogging?

Unethical blogging is basically blogging with the wrong methods that can cause you trouble in the future. Trouble? What trouble? It’s like Google may ban your website or may deindex your entire website, which will result in a loss of your time and money.

Here the Hari blogger is inserting these SIM selection options in the middle of the article out of nowhere without any explanation, which is a cheap technique to drive traffic.

In my eyes of Google, it is unethical and violates the policy, resulting in a ban or deindexing of the website.

I think the same happened with our so-called Hari the blogger’s website, as when you search his website, earn you will not get this website in the search results, as maybe it got deindexed by Google.

Instead, you will find his other website named, and when you visit his website, you will see some articles related to government schemes, which are ok, and you will not see that SIM selection option, but then I saw this:

At first, it looked like an ad, but when I clicked on that apply now button, guess what happened? I got redirected to his website, earn

Now he is using this dot (.) com domain to revive his website earn that was penalized by Google.

Can you do the same to make money?

Yes, absolutely. You can try this method to drive traffic to your other blogs. But to start to gain traffic on the first website, like the main domain on which you will connect all your other websites. You need a social following where you can promote your blog and drive social traffic to your website.

Hari blogger is also doing the same, he mentions his website on his YouTube channel and gains traffic from his YouTube audience.

But remember, if you are a blogger who has an AdSense-approved website, driving only social traffic can disable your AdSense account, resulting in revenue loss. Google AdSense also needs some percentage of organic traffic on your website to show ads, and if you only use social traffic, then your AdSense may get disabled.

Hari blogger is alert of this, and to overcome this, he asks his audience to search his website on Google to gain organic traffic. These are some search terms he asks to search:

Source: ahrefs

When I first saw this, I was kind of surprised that why would anyone search a root domain that is earn directly instead of a query? Then I thought it could be an earning platform, but when I saw his blog, it was nothing but trash. All AI copy-paste content and these sim selection options.

Later, I found out that it was a web mention, and his subscribers are searching for these terms on Google.

Are his blogging tips worth it?

If you are a blogger and are following his blogging tips, then it is time to not follow his advice, as he doesn’t know what actual blogging is. He just knows how to drive traffic from social media, and he just asks his subscribers to click here and there on his website to download any particular app.

He usually targets topics like WhatsApp and Instagram followers, as these topics have a very high number of searches on YouTube, and then he just makes a video like this:

To gain traffic from his audience.

How many websites and YouTube channels does he have?

When we talk about his websites, then I don’t know the exact number, but there are a lot of them. The names of some of his websites that I have found are:

  2. earn

I have found only these, but there are more than 15+ websites he is running; some of them are penalized by Google.

And when we talk about his YouTube channels, then he has four YouTube channels from which he drives traffic to his website:

  1. Earn hari
  2. Hari blogger
  3. Study number 1
  4. Earning brand

Final Thoughts

If you are serious about blogging and want to do blogging for the long term, then I suggest you do not follow these methods performed by Hari Blogger, as they are not applicable in the long run, and one day Google may penalize your website permanently.

I find some of the videos of Hari useful, but when it comes to blogging, he just says something and does something, and I find some of his blogging techniques absolutely wrong. What if any of his subscribers follow any of these techniques and ruin his website? It takes money to buy a domain and to host it.

If you want to try these techniques, then you can try them on a free blog and just don’t implement them on your main blog.

Keep your blogging journey safe and don’t try any quick techniques to make money.

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