After school or graduation, everyone is now in a race to get a job or to learn high income skills to maximize their income. As this question arises which skill will help us to become more successful in the future, this article is here to tell the top 5 high-income skills that can also replace your current jobs.
If you are in school or college and want to learn some high income skills, then these 5 skills are worth checking out once. You can also build a career by mastering these skills.
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Top 5 High Income Skills in India
Here are the top 5 high income skills in India that are worth learning in 2024:
1. VFX and CGI

The demand for this particular skill is rapidly increasing, and you have to use the majority of this skill to create engaging ads for companies to hook up with their audience. The global industry size of VFX ads has crossed $10 billion and has given a 12x return on investment to the clients who have used VFX ads for marketing.
You may not have seen companies using VFX advertising that much for the promotion of their product, but those who are using this method of advertising for marketing are getting a big ROI compared to others.
This field has low competition as very few people know how to use VFX and CGI, but once you learn these skills, you can make good money by offering your skills to clients and companies.
Blender, Cinema 4D, and Da Vinci Resolve are platforms where you can learn and do basic VFX and CGI for free.
2. Storytelling

If you are a content creator or want to be a content creator, then storytelling is one of the most important skills to add to your content to make it more engaging and to hook your audience.
Storytelling will help you create attractive titles and descriptions for your content, which will increase your chances of getting more reach for your content on your respective platforms.
Still, if you are confused, then here is an example of Mr. Beast’s video,
where he says to stop this train with a Lamborghini, read this again only with a car, but in the actual video, other elements are also used to stop the train. This is some kind of dramatic storytelling in which a car is used to stop a train to hook the audience within the video.
If you are interested in learning proper storytelling, then you can check out Jeven Dovey’s YouTube channel, where he tells everything about storytelling for free.
3. Reelancing
Oh, did you mean freelance? No, I mean reelance, but what is it? Reelance is a combination of the words ‘reels’ and ‘freelance’. I think you have got the idea of what I am trying to say; if not, you have to do freelance editing of short-form videos like reels or YouTube shorts. Short-form content is on a boom right now, and many creators are shifting to short-form content.
According to Neil Patel’s research, short-form content generates more engagement than any other type of content.

As we come to reelancing, for doing this task, you have to know some basic video editing skills so that you can provide some value to your client.
If you want to learn basic and advanced video editing skills for free, then you can check out the Envato Tuts+ YouTube channel, where he has made separate playlists for every video editing software and teaches how to use every software from basic to advanced.
4. Digital Marketing

Well, digital marketing is one of the most demanding skills in the market. Companies that don’t have the budget for traditional television ads contact digital marketing agencies to create digital ads for them.
Digital marketing is not all about creating online banner ads or Facebook ads to promote products; now it is all about creating an online brand presence by creating engaging hook-up content, mainly in the form of short videos, as these types of content have high engagement rates.
Social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and more are some mediums companies use to create their brand presence by creating engaging content by following the latest trends with the help of digital marketing agencies.
5. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is going to change the future world with its latest technologies and inventions. It is important to adapt to the latest technologies and to upgrade your work with artificial intelligence.
Many people think that artificial intelligence is going to replace the human workforce, but the fact is that you are going to be replaced by someone who knows artificial intelligence better than you.
With AI, you can make your work more effective and time-saving. AI is not all about typical machine learning; it is now about how you use it creatively in your work and improve your performance using AI.